Workshop on the inclusion of rural women in the water and environment sector

Feb 26, 2022

The Hydrologists Group, within the Women and Water Network Project, organized a workshop entitled Integrating rural women in the water and environment sector under the current circumstances on 11/21/2021, where an important director of the Women’s Association for Rural Development was hosted for a keynote speaker in which she reviewed the importance of integrating rural women, especially areas (C). and rural areas, and the most important challenges faced by rural women were reviewed, including environmental and water pollution, confiscation of agricultural land, lack of water, occupation practices, and climate change....etc.

The workshop concluded with the most important recommendations, including the work to strengthen and empower rural and professional women, enhance confidence in them, and give them appropriate roles and senior administrative positions to contribute to making decisions that support women in the sector. The necessity of employing the Palestinian curricula to raise awareness, environmental education and the right to water. On the political level, adopting policies of pressure and advocacy for women and environmental issues, reviewing laws and legislation related to the environment, and other recommendations mentioned in the workshop.

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(PWWPN) is a unique Palestinian Women Water Practitioners Network, uniting women water professionals nationally and regionally. Read More...